Monday, August 10, 2009

Registering as a developer with Apple

Registering as a developer with Apple

Sounds easy, just like the commercials to use the phone. Sometimes that "tweedle-dee" music goes away, it get's frustrating. It all depends, if you register as a company be prepared to show your documentation. It seems to take longer when you are a company rather than individual. After that, they send you an activation code. When I first attempted to register as a developer, I had a partner that wanted the name iPhone's Creation. Bad move. This can add weeks to your approval as a developer. Don't do anything that includes the name iPhone or Apple or use images in your apps that look like iPhones. Sounds basic, but double check yourself. Also watch what you say in your descriptions on the App Store. I had some trouble getting the website to accept my payment. Five phone calls later I get it done, approval code a few minutes later.

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